Government Database 1
Adult Population Coverage: 95%
Input is verified against census data and the Borme database in Spain. Additional address, phone and email data are supplemented from telco and consumer marketing sources to assure the most recent address data are used.
Required input options:
- Complete Name
- Date of Birth
- Address
Verifiable elements:
- Complete Name
- Date of Birth
- Address
- National ID
Note: Canary Islands are included in the coverage.
Government Database 2
Adult Population Coverage: 76%
Input is verified against the Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria (AEAT) tax database.
Required input options:
- Complete Name
Verifiable elements:
- Complete Name
- Date of Birth
- Address
- National ID
Note: Must have both surnames and NIF (National ID) on input to receive results.
Government Database 3
Adult Population Coverage: 1.3%
Input is verified against information retrieved from official public bulletins and traffic tickets.
Required input options:
- Complete Name
Verifiable elements:
- Complete Name
- Date of Birth
- Address
- National ID
Note: Surname 2 (Maternal) and NIF (National ID) on input help to improve results. NIF numbers consist of 8 digits followed by two characters. Example: 12345678AB.
Commercial Database 1
Adult Population Coverage: 37%
Input is verified against identity information from landline and mobile telecom operators in Spain.
Required input options:
- Complete Name
Verifiable elements:
- Complete Name
- Date of Birth
- Address
- National ID
- Phone Number
Commercial Database 2
Adult Population Coverage: 3%
Input is verified against identity information from the yellow pages, B2B files, and freelance landline and mobile operators.
Required input options:
- Complete Name
Verifiable elements:
- Complete Name
- Date of Birth
- Address
- National ID
- Phone Number
Commercial Database 3
Adult Population Coverage: 2.5%
Input is verified against obituaries of the deceased published in funeral homes, the press, and funeral services online.
Required input options:
- Complete Name
Verifiable elements:
- Complete Name
- Address
- National ID
Telco Database 1
Adult Population Coverage: 90%
Input is verified against the SGDA database, an official phone database that all telecom providers in Spain must report their subscriber information to, unless they have exercised their right to anonymity.
Required input options:
- Complete Name
- Address
Verifiable elements:
- Complete Name
- Date of Birth
- Address
- National ID
- Phone Number
Note: National ID = DNI, The DNI format is 8 digits followed by a letter (e.g. 12345678A). Spanish territories, such as the Canary Islands, Ceuta, and Melilla, are included in this coverage.
Note: To verify an element with bronID, that element is required to be passed to the API, the white-label forms or entered in the Portal.